Tweakwise vs Customer Data Platforms (CDP) - Tweakwise

Tweakwise vs Customer Data Platforms (CDP)

How do they compare?
Tweakwise is not a Customer Data Platform (CDP); in general, a CDP is seen as a marketing or retention platform. Collecting 360-view customer profiles pulled from multiple sources (across multiple platforms). Trying to predict and generalize their behavior and preferences. Often used for marketing campaigns. A unified customer database which is accessible for other systems to use and anticipate on.
According to Gartner; “A customer data platform is a marketing system that unifies a company’s customer data from marketing and other channels to enable customer modeling and optimize the timing and targeting of messages and offers.”

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Tweakwise E-man
Tweakwise Impact on conversion funnel
Despite being used by only 10-20% of visitors,
the impact on turnover of optimizing onsite search is enormous.
Buying intensions are much higher compared to visitors
browsing the catalog. Conversion rates can be up to 5x higher,
often impacting up to 40%-50% of turnover.
Intelligent merchandising of catalog listerpages has
the highest impact on boosting your turnover, on average
80%-90% of your visitors will use these pages in
their shopping journey
Optimized product recommendations will help increase
turnover and ordervalues by highlighting relevant
products and related products.
Personalizing the other 3 elements based on real-time
profiling will increase relevance and give an extra
boost to turnover.

The essence of Tweakwise

At Tweakwise we actually optimize your webshop itself, enhancing site search features and merchandising features to make an enormous impact within the channel itself. We do this through merchandising strategies and smart analysis of your webshop users’ behavior. Enabling you, as an E-commerce Manager or Merchandiser, saving lots of time and developer resources on your road to success! Did you know with every interaction, your users are telling you what products they want to buy? We listen carefully. Now let us dive into it.

What we choose NOT to be…

  • Tweakwise is NOT cross platform, so we DO NOT need the use of so-called third-party cookies. Our analyses are functional and based on anonymous behavior. With cookie usage getting more and more strict, we are still going strong with our platform.
  • Our main focus is on webshop conversion rate optimizations (CRO) through smart strategies and tooling; NOT through harvesting customer data!
  • We are fully transparent in the enhancements and algorithms we apply, you can always overrule them when needed. In comparison to most CDP solutions, Tweakwise is certainly NOT a so-called “Blackbox Solution” where you don’t have a clue what is going on. At Tweakwise, we don’t believe in big data. We believe in nuances and human intelligence. Human interfaces enable you to stay in control!
  • Short-term vs long-term learning; Tweakwise works within browser session and has a direct impact on your shopping session. Where common CDPs first need some time and traffic to build and optimize their databases to do proper enhancements.
  • We do NOT include marketing tools (targeting options) to drive traffic to your webshop, like newsletter services, text messages, push notifications or integrations with your ad campaigns/social (retargeting) advertising. We most certainly aim for growth, but are not a Growth Marketing Platform.

Example 1

At Tweakwise, we determine your customers’ brand preferences based on actual in-session click/browse behavior. We monitor if they clicked on multiple products from a specific brand, visited a brand page, clicked a brand search banner, or maybe did a site search for a specific brand.
Where a CDP has a 360-view profile of them, they probably learned their brand preferences via Google Ads, historical orders or newsletter interactions in the past.

Example 2

Tweakwise will provide recommendations based on their actual on-site search behavior, enhanced with your interaction with our Smart Filters. Based on the behavioral data collected, like attributes and preferences, we will select the best possible recommendations for them.
A CDP would service recommendations based on your age, historical order data or Lifetime Value (LTV).

Talking KPIs

At Tweakwise we focus on conversion rate (search), margins, average order value (AOV) to name a few. Aiming to optimize your product discovery experiences. Where a CDP focusses on retention, lifetime value and customer acquisition costs. Do you sense the differences between both worlds?

Ready to see the power of Tweakwise?

Talk to one of our specialists for a demo.


Low-hanging fruit

Starting with our Standard Search level. Despite being used by only 10-30% of your visitors, search has an enormous impact on turnover. Conversions can be up to 5 times higher, impacting up to 40-50% of turnover. That’s why your site search is the best place to start optimizing.

Intelligent merchandising

Next? Start with intelligent merchandising of catalog lister pages. On average 80-90% of your visitors will use these pages in their shopping journey! Make a huge impact with smart filtering and sorting options to let your visitors find what they need.

Increase order values

Further optimized product recommendations will help increase turnover and order values. Adding real-time profiling personalization on these three elements will increase relevance and give your turnover an extra boost. Our customer lifecycle will enable you to make a massive impact step by step.

Further optimization

From there, advance with cross-channel optimizations. CDPs can enhance your newsletters in ways that Tweakwise cannot. Providing a personalized experience in those key areas, being the lister pages and search, are crucial to make a significant impact.
That’s the area where Tweakwise works best!
Happy Tweaking!
Tweakwise, Personalized site search, merchandising and recommendations software for every platform

Personalized site search, merchandising and recommendations software for every platform

9.4 / 10
customer satisfaction
Over 15%
conversion increase
Go live
in 3 days

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