Saniweb makes an extensive and technical product range manageable with Tweakwise Guided Selling - Tweakwise

Saniweb makes an extensive and technical product range manageable with Tweakwise Guided Selling

Furnishing the perfect bathroom can be a complex task, especially when there is an extensive range of plumbing products and related accessories available. Visitors sometimes need guidance to discover the most appropriate product that seamlessly fits their specific needs and unique circumstances. The Tweakwise Guided Selling decision aids are a great solution to this challenge for Saniweb. Guided Selling works like a virtual assistant, guiding visitors through the selection process using targeted questions and visual support. It helps visitors discover products that match their preferences and offers clarification in the technical and functional aspects of plumbing, or any other type of assortment.

In a world where choices can be overwhelming, Guided Selling enables online store visitors to make informed decisions. By going through a series of steps and choices, they can discover products that meet their needs and personal style while getting a feel for what details are important in their choice. Guided Selling is a step forward for Saniweb in creating a personalized and guided shopping environment, where visitors can confidently achieve their bathroom dreams.

”With a decision aid, a technical feature is given a bit more context and explanation. We see that as a result, a visitor to the decision aid converts almost twice as fast as a visitor who does not use a decision aid.”

Kevin Govers, Webshop Manager

The Guided Selling effect

One application of Guided Selling is to translate product features into directly relevant information for specific household needs. Kevin Govers, Webshop Manager at Saniweb explains: ”With a decision aid, a technical feature still gets a bit more context and explanation. For example, you don’t talk about the content of a product, but translate it directly to family size. We see that as a result a visitor to the decision aid converts almost twice as fast as a visitor who does not use a decision aid.” A decision aid makes decision-making easier and provides confidence and clarity in a process that some visitors may find complex and overwhelming.

The use of the decision aid is promoted in various places in the shop so that visitors can easily find it. Meanwhile, Saniweb already has seventeen Guided Selling decision aids live and some 4,000 completed decision aids are registered per month. Guided Selling thus meets the needs of a significant proportion of visitors.

Completed decision aids per month
Decision adis live (in 2023)

Choosing Tweakwise

Saniweb was already using Tweakwise to manage filters, so the move to use Guided Selling was logical and seamless. Laying the foundation for the choice tool on the same platform not only made it a quick implementation, but also created a familiar experience for the e-commerce team. The confluence of the already proven partnership and strong technology base allowed Saniweb to embrace Tweakwise’s Guided Selling functionality as an evolutionary step in their online shopping process.

Optimizing Guided Selling

Remarkably, visitors using the choice tool show higher page value. But what is even more remarkable is the significant drop in exit rate among this group of visitors. The increased page value indicates a more engaged audience that dives deeper into the content. The decrease in exit rate shows that the choice tool actually helps reduce the number of visitors who leave the website before converting.

In addition to ongoing efforts to expand the number of decision aids available, Saniweb has plans to go a step further by collecting visitor feedback on the decision aids. These planned feedback sessions will deeply evaluate the visitor experience and provide valuable insights on the usability and clarity of the information provided in the decision aids. Data-driven measurements and direct visitor feedback provide a solid foundation for Saniweb to continuously evolve and optimize the decision aids, with the goal of delivering an even better shopping experience.

Everyday use of Guided Selling

Team members working with Tweakwise Guided Selling report that setting up a decision aid is simple. The user-friendly nature of the tool makes it possible to work without complex technical processes and allows team members to deal with the feature effectively and efficiently.

How can Guided Selling be improved?

Saniweb’s goal of offering complete bathroom solutions creates an interesting challenge for the development of Guided Selling. Govers expands: ”Guided Selling is now primarily created to focus choice aids on a single product group. Saniweb, of course, offers much more than a single product. Our goal is to offer complete bathrooms online. It would of course be nice if we could also set up a decision aid for the complete bathroom, thus combining several product groups.”

Another step that could increase the possibilities of Guided Selling is the implementation of a configurator. Govers explains how: ”With this, a visitor can, for example, put together his own bathroom furniture or his own toilet in which he makes step-by-step choices that lead to a specifically composed and complete product that can then be purchased immediately.”

The next steps for Saniweb

The next phase for Saniweb is to expand the number of decision aids available so that customers can get help choosing from more different product groups. Another focus is on improving the timing and placement of these decision aids in the customer journey. By offering the right decision aid at the right time, customers can be guided through the purchase process in a natural and relevant way. This requires understanding customer behavior and needs, which lays the foundation for a more personalized shopping experience.

Also want to create an unforgettably easy shopping experience?

With Guided Selling, you make it easy for visitors to pick out the perfect product. The feature is available for all Tweakwise users! Contact us now for a free demo, or to purchase Guided Selling right away.

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Wat Tweakwise voor je shop doet


Conversie verhogen door relevantie

Relevant zijn voor elke bezoeker zou je topprioriteit moeten zijn! Stem het zoeken, filteren, sorteren en aanbevelen in je shop af op elke bezoeker zodat de kans groter is dat ze converteren.


Bestelwaarden verhogen

Door Tweakwise te gebruiken om alle aspecten van je shop te optimaliseren, verhoog je het aantal producten dat in winkelwagentjes wordt geplaatst en dus de omzet in bestellingen. Het kost jou ook nauwelijks moeite.


Bespaar kostbare tijd

Door Tweakwise te gebruiken bespaar je regelmatig op je onderhoudstijd met minstens 60%. Dat betekent extra uren om de juiste strategie te bepalen voor de merchandising en search van je webshop en te werken aan optimalisatie.