The new repositories in GitHub that were under the Tweakwise account have been moved back to the Emico account with the exception of the attribute landing module. For the attribute landing module, the “old” Emico module must be used instead of the one under the Tweakwise account. However, all modules are still managed by us.
Are you obligated to do something?
You may already have switched, or be planning to do so. All possible scenarios are explained below.
All Tweakwise repositories remain available under Emico’s GitHub account. Only the Tweakwise packages there are now under our management. The old Emico modules on GitHub have been archived, but can still be found under the Emico account.
How do you know if you should (still) switch?
You can check this using the package name in the composer.json.
If you are using 1 of the modules below, you still need to remove that module and install the new version of it.
Package names old modules
Package names right modules
Note: these are the package names of the composer
If you’ve already switched to the new repositories that were under the Tweakwise GitHub account, you don’t need to make any changes. The repository has changed underwater to packagist, but the package name has remained the same. For example, if you had the package tweakwise/magento-tweakwise installed, the next time it updates automatically from the new repository under the Emico account.
Only the attribute landing page module needs to be reset to the old package. To do this, perform the steps below.
To switch to these repositories, the following steps should be taken;
Our Magento 1 extensions are in maintenance mode and are no longer being actively developed (feature freeze): we are no longer doing maintenance on them. We have changed the package name, but do not expect large amounts of updates. We recommend continuing to use the old Emico repo. Changing the package name has provides no reason to switch because we do not expect to release updates on it.